Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Need inspiration and support as winter drags on? Dive into Katherine May’s memoir, "Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times." This book reminds us to take our cues from the natural world during this dark, chill, quiet time of year, giving you permission to step away, recharge, and be ready to face the world come springtime.

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set the tone for the new year with one word

set the tone for the new year with one word

Many people create New Year’s resolutions this time of year, with a specific goal in mind. But a year is a long time, during which life can throw curveballs, feelings can change and promises made in January can easily be forgotten come September. So I’ve taken to selecting just a single word around which to focus my efforts, and this year it’s about time

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what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

You’ve probably heard lots of versions of “Your thoughts become things.” And while I haven’t mastered spontaneously manifesting a gluten-free vegan chocolate cake, I was on the receiving end of some interesting results of the focus I held for myself last year …

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selfcare meets you where you're at (plus a tool I'm loving for this)

selfcare meets you where you're at (plus a tool I'm loving for this)

For a lot of people—especially those who spend their time caring for others—focusing on themselves ends up at the bottom of a loooooong priority list. Our schedules are overfull, we don’t have the equipment we think we’ll need, and it all just seems like too much work because we’re exhausted. But there is a way for caregivers to sneak in some selfcare each week …

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FEEL: New moon rituals

FEEL: New moon rituals

The new moon will occur about 7 hours from now. It's something I always look forward to, because it's like a mini New Year ... It gives us the chance to pause, take stock, and refocus for the coming weeks. As far as new moon rituals go, there are many out there ...

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Self care doesn't need to be so radical this holiday season

Self care doesn't need to be so radical this holiday season

You're rushing all over town to buy the perfect gifts, planning dozen-course meals, racing to parties, scrambling to send packages and those never-ending cards and emails ... doing All The (Holiday) Things. It's been a mad dash since Thanksgiving and you know the shiny New Year—with all its promises of fresh starts and healthy habits—is just beyond your grasp. So you put it all out there for these last two weeks. But what's left for you? Plenty ...

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